Merrill Lynch
Keynote Presentation
Merrill Lynch
Keynote Presentation
Merrill Lynch was introduced to me via Scott Hays, Founder and CEO of Trivium Performance, a corporate communication consultancy based here on Hilton Head Island. They work with professionals and teams to help them prepare, design, deliver and get better results from meetings, presentations and phone calls.
We have collaborated on two major presentations for Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management (ML), for the San Francisco Bay area in California. I utilized Apple Keynote to create these custom, internal, multi-media presentations. I found a way to compliment Merrill Lynch’s brand standards with professional infographics and create a presentation that was both enjoyable and effective.
Note Card
Leave-behind for Presentation
Note Card
Leave-behind for Presentation
In addition to the Keynote presentation, we created a "Reminder Card” for all the attendees of some 12 town hall meetings.